Well I decided I might wait and get some groceries on the way home from work on Monday.  I could stop at Aldi then, which is great on the budget!    I have supper for tonight and tomorrow all covered already.  I had two chicken breasts left over from supper last night so I will make Chicken Tetrazini and Sunday or this evening I will be making a Turkey.  So I will have a turkey meal out of that, use the carcass to make soup and make either TUrkey Tetrazini or Turkey Ala King out of the rest…or Turkey Pot Pie,   Turkey Divan ,I have a few options.   So that will cover alot of meals.  

I love being able to feed our family so frugally.   A lot of the time I don’t even spend the entire $150.00 I budget for two weeks of food.   But it takes time to cook all the meals.  But I do enjoy it!   To me it is a game…..we never use credit except for car repairs so you get very good at only spending on what you need.

I will have to make a grocery list for the food for the parites though. 

So far I am doing a harvest/fall theme for book group…we are having…

Artichoke/Spinach Dip
Carmel Dip with fruit
Hot Apple Cider
Ribbon Pumpkin Bread
Caramel Apple Pie

One thought on “

  1. I am not sure if I posted my italian meatloaf recipe or not on xanga?  actually I don’t have a recipe,  I make it up as I go! haha  It’s ground beef, egg, italian bread crumbs, can tomato soup, garlic, pepper, 1 tsp or so of italian seasonings, and some parmesan cheese.  you are a good cook, so I know you can make it just from that! hehe  

    That bread recipe looks good, thanks for the link.  Blessings!  🙂

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