Another crazy week in our household!! Insanely busy! I will give you a quick run down!
Sunday – we went to church, then we drove to Hutchinson, MN to pick up my mother. This is our 1/2 way meeting point to SD. My father drives her this far and we pick her up. She is staying with us for the week since my daycare provider is on vacation this week. We got home and then I went to get groceries, made a late supper and headed to bed! My dad called that night saying he made it back home to SD fine.
MONDAY – My dad called bright and early and he changed his mind and wants to spend the week with us also. So hubby and Josh will drive out to Minnetonka this afternoon to pick him up. He isn’t so comfortable driving in the city by himself. Today is our yearly appointment with the allergist. Josh is doing well and the Dr completed his medical forms for school and renewed his scripts. He is very happy with the control of my asthma. I was hospitalized in the ICU last year in February due to complications with asthma. My pulmonologist changed my meds and my allergist is happy with the results so he is leaving all my meds the same. So we left with 6 new scripts to get filled.
I spent the afternoon getting groceries for our cooking session at church tomorrow. I went to three stores and spent around 108.00. I will be cooking with 3 friends tomorrow at church. Gotta love the huge kitchen at church. I went to the chiropractor appointment after the shopping. Hubby and Josh were back from meeting grandpa too! They are spending the evening working on the treehouse!
TUESDAY – up early and to the church before 9:00 to cook. We are doing a hamburger cooking session. We made chili, pizza pasta, tater tot hotdish and meatloaf. We each went home with 6 meals for our families. The cost per person ended up being about 27.00 for 6 freezer meals. It was fun cooking together. Our nursey worker didn’t show up so we had to take turns watching the kids, but it turned out ok. So I have a few meals in the freezer for those hectic nights. I think there will be a few of those this week.
I worked from home for a bit in the afternoon and we did our weekly cleaning. The boys all did their chores quickly and without complaining…grandma did hubby’s chores. Erik continues to have a painful lump in his lower abdomin so I make an appoitment for hubby to take him to the Dr on Wednesday morning.
Our evening was busy with hubby, Josh and my dad working on the tree house. Josh wanted some new bean bags for his room so we picked those us since I was home. Of course since he got new things he cleaned his room again.
I made the menu mailer Honey Lime chicken for supper and it was very good! Then dishes, playing outside, baths and bed! My mom and I watched the movie “Calendar Girls” after the kids were all in bed.
WHEW…that gets you updated to today….now for the rest of the weeks plans…that’s another post all together!