Been a few days since I posted again!!   Sorry, but life gets so busy, that is how summers are. 

Joshua – has been in Mexico all week.  He is returning today.  They will be presenting during the 11:00 service about their trip and experience.   So of course we are going to 11:00 service, not the one my hubby likes to go to.   I have missed Josh I can’t wait to see him today!   I am sure Tommy will be happy to see him!  

Erik – has has an ok two weeks.  He has stole twice and we now have a trust ladder he earns our trust back with.  That seems to be going well.   He is with his mother this weekend.  He got a letter from her that they would be going to Wisconsin, and he wasn’t so thrilled about going.  I am not sure what is up with that.  He asked if he had to go??  If I was him I would be thrilled to be goin!!!  I never can really figure out what he is thinking.  His behavior and listening has been great all week.   His adjsutment to our house has gone well.  

TOmmy – what can I say –  He is too cute for his own good.  He is sleeping in bed with us most nights.   But atleast he sleeps well then.  We rotated some different toys up stairs which he has enjoyed playing with all weekend.  One is a remote controled car which is really fun for him.  He talks ALOT!!   He invented this new game he likes to play at bedtime.  He says “what animals life on a farm” and you ahve to guess the animal….and it is only the animal he has in mind.  I never get it right.  Yesterday we went to Mommy & Me at church and he had fun playing with his “friends”.  He also learned the word “stupid” not sure where he picked that up, I am not happy with it!

Paul – He is very busy with the church website he is making.  He is very talented and everyone is so thankful for the time he dedicates to the church.  Otherwise he has been working and website. 

ME – I am trying to work as much as I can.  I am still on family medical leave and having a fair amount of pain and trouble with my back/neck.  The insurance company is having me go to their Dr for an evaulation in July.  I am a bit worried about that.  Wor k has been busy.  I have had a few families that come through intake requesting me.  My other families keep tell them if you get a social worker request me!    ARGH….pretty soon I will have to tell my supervisor I can’t honor anymore requests.  I have too many cases.   I think the other social workers are jsut as good as me and are working full time!!   I took the last one simply because it wasn’t that bad of a case and the next one could be worse.    I am busy plannig my hubby’s 40th birthday party!!  I hope he enjoys it!!  I also have to start planning for the block party, which will be in August!  As always i am busy!!  I also have a house to run and kids to care for!!         

Today we are going to church to see Josh!!  Then I will work on laundry and chat with Josh the afternoon.   I am going out to the moive “stepfard Wives” with my SIL’s and out to eat after that!   It should be a good time!    Hubby will pick up Erik later tonight!

Tommy  wants me to dance….gotta go!!


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