Hey everyone….the weekend is here!! YEAH!  I like the color of my hair, but I hated the way she styled my hair, so hopefully I will like it today after I shower, etc.  I tanned as well and that is always so relaxing.   I am a bit red so will have to wait a day or so to go again.  

Yesterday I worked late.   I left the office at about 9:00pm/  It was a very quiet day at the office since most people took an extra day off for a 4 day weekend.  I did get alot done, but have plenty more to get caught up on.  I will be working late a couple days a week for a while.  I got behind with the accident and not being able to work full-time!!   

I need to plan meals a bit better on the days I work late.  Hubby has gotten the kids McDonald each time.  I surely don’t want my children eating McDonald’s twice  a week, even if it is only temporary!!  I will try to plan some crockpot meals for those days, that I could have my son, Josh start.   Though I thinl the kids would rather have McDonalds.  It jsut doesn’t go with my quest to have them eating more health!!

Well I best get going.  Tommy is watching the Toy Story movie we got from the library.  We have to return it today and it wil be very hard for him.  He loves it!!  I looked on EBAY for the two disc set, but it is so expensive!!   

I hope to get the household things cuahgt up on since I have been working so late.  Things are a bit messy around here.  Time to shower, dress and conquer the day!!  LATER!


Go to Library
Clear Kitchen Table
Clear Top of Fridge
Clean out Fridge
Pledge Dining Room Table
Sweep Entry Way
Clean Both Batrooms

Mop both Bathrooms
Mop Kitchen
Clear Coffee Table
Write and Mail Minute For Church Committee
Grocery List/Menu

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