I had a busy weekend and I am tired. I had a planning meeting for the ministry fair on Friday, then set up for it on Saturday and the Ministry Fair was on SUnday. I am glad we did the ministry fair. We gained 4 new committee members and 3 additonal ladies to cook meals for families with new babies.
Sunday I had party at the house for all the family May birthdays. It rained of course so we had about 25-30 people in the house…LOL!! It was fun, but crowded. I was gald when everyone went home. My parents left this morning to return to South Dakota.

All the Birthday People!!! Bonnie, Joe, Grandma, Josh and Scott!

The Grandpas!

Grandma C!

Tom and Auntie Bonnie (His daycare mom!)
Today was very busy at work, I don’t even want to get into all of that!! Then it was to the chiropractor and since hubby was off today I stopped off and went tanning. YEAH!! It was a bit uncomfortable to lay on the tanning bed, but I only went 10 minutes. This was the first time since the accident that I tried to tan.
I have a pretty productive evening. I got home around 6:00 from chiro and Tanning…
I finally planted my container garden plants. They weren’t looking too great, I hope I didn’t wait too long!!! They were laying down…So far planted cuke, tomaotes and strawberries. Tommy had so much fun planting and watering them . He is in charge of watering them each night. We also got out Tommy’s little power wheels 3-wheeler and taught him to drive it. LOL!! That was fun!! He can make it go fine, but can’t get the hang of steering yet.

Then I did two loads of laundry, returned over due books to library, paid bills and reconciled my checkbook.
I have started a bad things with Tommy….he won’t go to bed at night. He wants to be in my bed. So he fusses all night until I go to bed and then I take him with me since I want to go to sleep and not listen to him all night. Well now it has become a habit. My hubby isn’t too thrilled with it. I am actually ok with it. He is my last baby and he wants snuggle time and to be with his mommy. I figure I might as enjoy it while it lasts since he will be a big boy soon enough and not want to be with mommy. So I usually go to bed before hubby and when he come to bed he takes sleeping Tommy back to his bed. Tommy usually wakes once during the night and I jsut put him in bed with me…..I am too tired to do anything else. I jsut am not that concerned about it all.
Well I suppose I should put my laundry away and get to bed. Later All!!!!
Those shirts were in the June/July 2004 issue of Family Fun that I got in the mail last week! Have fun if you get to make them…….they are really easy to make. I think they turned out really cute.