Busy day….I have and IEP at 2:30 and homevisit at 4:00. I am having my SIL pick up Tommy at daycare as I also have a Chiro appnt. at 5:45. Rush, Rush, Rush……
Not much else planned for tonight. I plan on watching Friends tonight. I think my BIL will be coming over the bringing a entertainment center over for Josh to put in his room. He is excited about that.
Laundry – 1 Load done already
Declutter one cupboard in Kitchen
Menu/Shopping List
Make List of Greeting Card I need for the next 3 months
I’m starting to notice I can’t find things in my kitchen. Guess it’s time to do some decluttering too.
One shelf at a time sounds like a good idea.
Hope you get everything accomplished today. Blessings! 😉
What, no Survivor??? Can’t believe it…
Honestly, I read your blog & I just don’t know how you do it all…props to you, Ostara
Hope you had a wonderful day!