I received all my pampered Chef orders and my wonderful hubby took them to my work to deliver them today.  He is a good guy.   I can’t life or carry them .  I hope to return to work tomorrow for at least 1/2 of a day. 

Today was a fairly busy day.  We had a meeting with my personal injury attorney this morning.  He assisted me to fill out some forms.  We also finished and signed our wills.  Then hubby spent a long time on the phone talking to insurance companies and the state office of insurance commission.   It is not looking so great to get my truck replaced without having to foot the bill for some of it.  ARGH!! 

Then I had another chiropractor appointment.   It went about the same.   I am continuing to ice my neck, head and back.  I hope I will be able to work the full 4 hours tomorrow. 

Now I suppose it is time for me to head to bed and read for a bit.  Hope everyone has a great night!

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