SItting down to rest a bit after finishing my shower.  Wow do I get tuckered out.  The insurance company called and totalled my truck.  They aren’t really offering us enough to replace it.  We are not accepting their initial offer and will be sending in some supporting documentation of all the extra features we had on the truck, plus all the recent repairs we put into it, including the tabs.  They did say I was suppose to go buy a new carseat for Tommy and they will reimburse me for it.  So I suppose I will be shopping for a new car seat at some point, maybe I will feel up to it this weekend.  I took the boys for haircuts last night and that was a bit much.   

I have been surfing the internet looking for a new vehicle, but can’t find one as nice as mine that I can afford.  DRATS!   I will keep looking.  I love being able to shop from the couch, then I call the  dealer and ask if it is still on the lot or not.  I can’t be walking all over the place looking for a vehicle.

I am going to head to work here shortly and get some stuff to work on the rest of the week.  I also have a chiropractor appointment tonight, which I am not looking forward to. 

Have to tell you something so funny.  Since I am not able to stand long, lift or anything.  Hubby and my oldest have been needing to do the chores I normally do.   And trust me they aren’t doing it anything like me, the house is a pit!  Last night my hubby is doing the dishes, which he hasn’t done since the accident.   I told him he has to do some laundry too as I have to do two loads of laundry a day to keep up.   He comes in and tells me “we need a schedule!”.  I said, I do have one, It shows you want needs to be done each night.   He meant we needed a schedule of rotating the chores.  Now that he has been me for a few days he thinks I do too much.  He wants to rotate dishes and laundry, between him, Josh and I..  LOL!!!   I had to laugh…hmm…haven’t I been easily doing all these things myslef for years.  Hmmm…sorry honey it isn’t so easy being me!    He is trying though.   

Josh made a great supper last night, I will have to share the recipes.  We are having the leftover tonight.

Later!  Time to drive to work.

5 thoughts on “

  1. You sound like you are doing pretty well with all of this. I’ll pray you get a good car. I know those chiropratic adjustments must be uncomfortable, but in the long run they should help you to heal.

  2. That is so true, the hubbys dont’ know how much work we actually do around the house until they have to do it all! haha  Good for you.  HOpe you are feeling better soon.  Happy St. Patty’s Day!  πŸ™‚

  3. Nothing like walking in someone elses shoes to really appreciate them and all they do, huh?  *LOL*   So glad dh is willing to help out and also that was sweet that he wants a schedule to help split chores. 



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