Hello –  What an amazingly busy day.   I got up around 7:30 and called the clnic to get Tommy in for a possible ear infection.   Tommy slept the night in bed with daddy as I am still sleeping on the couch.

I say my Dr at 9:30 and she prescribed me Percocet and Flexerill.  She said they would knock me out so I didn’t take any until I was home.  At 10:30 Tommy say the Dr.  we figured we had been trick by him since he was very energetic in the Dr. office.  The dr looked at him and he had fluid in one ear and fluid and infection in the other.  So he was put on antibiotics, so hopefully he will slep better tonight.  I wish I could ever tell that he had an ear infection.  Hedoesn’t ever run an temperature. 

We dropped him off at daycare and continued our busy day.  Next I had a dentist appointment to have my teeth checked.   The dentist said I might have a small chip in the front of my one tooth.  But otherwise there doesn’t seem to be any damage or trauma to my teeth.   After the dentist we were off to the hospital to pick up my x-rays.  Then we went to the poclice station to pick up the police report.  The report states that the other driver stop for the stop sign and then proceeded as he didn’t see me.  It stated he failed to yeild the right of way or something like that.

Then we headed to the personal injury lawyers office to sign a retainer.   He is taking care of everything related to my injuries in the accident.  My hubby is talking with the insurance co about getting my truck , car seat and CD-player replaced.  

After the lawyer’s we went to the chiropractor’s office.   She looked at my neck and said it was too straight.   I have whiplash and muscles problems I guess.   She did a small adjustment which was very painful.   Everytime she touched my it hurt so much.  the muscles are very tight and nothing much moved.   I am returning to the chiropractor on Wed and Thursday.   I am not sure for how long I will be seeing the Dr three times a week.   If it will make me feel better I certainly will be going.  Today certainly didn’t make anything feel any better.

After the Chiro my hubby returned me home so I could lay down.   I took one of the percocet and one flexerril and I literally passed out for 4 hours.   I could not become consious at all.  I think  I will only be taking 1/2 of the flexerril in the future. WOW…I can’t be that out of it.  I have kids and family to take care of.   I will be taking it to sleep I think though.  I woke up around 9:00 this evening and am now watching a movie (cold Creek Manor) with hubby and son.

Tomorrow I hope to go into my office to pick up some work to complete at home the rest of the week.   I think it wil be easiest for me to work from home so I can take the muscle relaxants as needed.  Tommy will need to be in daycare as I can’t lift him or anything.  I will be able to have Josh drive with me to pick him up and he can put him into the carseat. 

I think that is about it new for right now.   Hope everyone had a great Monday.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Nice colors and graphics for spring! I am sorry your truck got wrecked, and so soon too!! 🙁 That is awful! But I am so glad no one was seriously hurt. I have been in plenty of wrecks myself, and had to ride in an ambulance strapped to a board from one… not fun, but I have never flipped in a vehicle before *knocks on wood* and I imagine that was very scary. I think something like that would make me very close to God, if I wasn’t already! My grandpa and uncle were in a wreck once and they were in a pickup with a trailer attached and the whole thing flipped many times. All the tired even popped off! My Uncle ended up with a broken neck, which eventually healed, but it was very scary. The top of the pick up was totally crushed! Good luck with the legal aspect of it. I hope that you recover financially from it. When my dad wrecked the newest car we had ever owned, even though it wasn’t our fault, the lady ran a red light, we still didn’t get enough to replace that car and had to go with a less expensive car. That is why I will never pay the money for a brand spankin’ new car now.

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