Hey everyone….how goes?   Busy evening again in our household.  I worked until almost 7:00 than came home had supper with the boys and my brother.   My brother came over to pick up the crib for my niece.  She is having a baby in September I think it is.   I am glad I was able to give Tom’s crib to a family member.  I was sort of attached to it and didn’t want a stranger sleeping in it.  LOL!!   I gave her all the bedding and everything.  Hard to believe she is having a baby.   Seem like not long ago I was changing her diaper.  AAAH…..but hopefully Tommy and her child will be able to know each other. 

I did a load of laundry and gave Tommy a bath.   I skipped dishes tonight, but will have to do them tomorrow.  Today I ordered tickets for the Shrine Circus.  Tommy and I will be going to that.  I hope he likes it.  I am hoping to fall asleep a bit earlier tonight.  Last night I was up at 3:20am still. Argh….I did take some cough syrup tonight so that might help.

Hubby was at church most of the evening for a committee meeting.  He will be busy all weekend making flyers and things for upcoming events at church like Easter, etc.  I am also very excited that our church will be doing the Purpose Driven Life and having small groups for discussions and basing the weekly sermon on the book.  I will be purchasing the book for hubby, Josh and I.  We will be doing it together and might have a small group with our Wed, night group.  We will see.  I am looking forward to it a lot!  It will be nice to just share the devotions with hubby and oldest son. 

Hubby is fast asleep next to me. I wonder if he is enjoying the clicking of my keys.  LOL…he is snoring so it must not be bothering him too much. 

I think that is it for my exciting evening.  I was bad and ate some girl scout cookies tonight after doing so well all day   Argh..  I suppose I should try to get some sleep. 

Good Night!

3 thoughts on “

  1. We are doing 40 days of purpose too! I am really excited. I ‘ve been wanting to read that book for a long time! We will have to correspond our thoughts. Yay!!

  2. The church we have been trying this past week (haven’t chosen yet a home church here in our new town) but they mentioned they are doing the 40 Days of Purpose too.  We’ve already read the book last year, but it was pretty good to go thru again.  🙂   YUM, girl scout cookies!  😉   Have a great day!

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