Oh what a day…..I have never been more thankful in my life for the protection of my Lord.  

I am getting ready to leave my house at 10:00am this morning.  I call my office to askthe receptionist to reserve a meeting room for me and tell her I will be at the office at 10:30.   I head out and head to work, two blocks from our home a man runs a stop sign and hits the side of my blazer.   I begin spinning and nearly get my blazer onder control to start spinning the other way and eventually roll the vehicle completely over.   I land back on my wheels, spitting glass and chunks out of my mouth.   WOW!!  I swear the thoughts that ran through my mind as I was flipping.   I don’t have my will finalized yet and I said a very quick prayer. 

The vehicle came to a stop.   I was in shock I can’t explain how surreal it all was.   A wtiness had seen the accident and stopped and called 911.  The sirens were coming.  The man who hit me and the witness stood by me holding my hands.   All I could say over over is “you had a stop sign”.  As soon as the police came I was put on a backboard and collar and taken to the hospital by the ambulance.  Man did I hurt. 

I was all checked out at the hospital.  I had a CAT Scan and Xrays of my neck and back.  Nothing is broken.  I have a huge lump on my head where the roof caved in on my head.   I got home about 1:00pm.   Hubby spent the afternoon on the phone with insurance company’s and the police department.  

The weird part was the police report hadn’t been written since the officer that helped me collapsed about an hour after my accident and was in the hospital.  His partner was looking in this squad car to get the info for us, etc.  The written report will be available for us to pick up Monday afternoon. 

I am very very sore.  I have to rotate between sitting, walking and laying down every few minutes.   But I am eternally thankful for my life and that my baby was not in the car at the time of the accident.   The place of impact was exactly where his carseat is.  His carseat is imbedded with glass.   I am so very thankful he was at daycare, safe and sound.  So I think it will be a very quiet evening around our house tonight. 

Maybe my hubby will put up the pictures of my truck the police took.   I believe it is totalled.  Time to move around a bit more.   I am truly thankful for God’s protection of me today.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Oh my goodness!  I am so sorry this happened to you.  But praise God you aren’t seriously hurt….. and praise Him even more that your baby wasn’t with you!  That is amazing. God is good. 

    I’m thankful that you’re still with us.

  2. Oh my goodness.  I am so glad you are ok.  I saw the pictures of your truck and wow.  What a blessing that your kids weren’t with you.  Rest and let your body heal from the shock.

  3. Praise God that you are not seriously hurt. When it comes down to it trucks can be replaced! You are in my prayers. Get some rest and let your body and mind heal.

  4. Gosh, I hardly know what to say. I’ll be praying for you to have a quick recovery physically and emotionally. It brings tears to my eyes just to think about it. So glad you’re going to be ok and baby was safe elsewhere.grannyfox

  5. Thank goodness you are alright, Ostara!  I saw the pix, and also thank God your children were not in the car with you!  That must have been frightening.

    Rest up, feel better, you had a close call. 

  6. Yes! Praise to our father! Bless your heart hon. I haven’t come by to read your blog for awhile, but felt the need today. I’m glad I did. I’m so thankful you weren’t hurt. Hope you can find some comfort, as I’m sure your mind is a mess.

    Prayers for you!

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