Glass was even stuck into the steering wheel.

I now know where all the glass in my mouth came from.

See where my baby would have been sitting.  There is so much glass in his carseat.

Side by the babyseat. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. Praise God there were no children in it and that you were not hurt worse!! How scary!! You just take it easy now, ya hear?

  2. Thank goodness you’re doing ok and that your baby wasn’t in the car! What happened to the other driver? Will he/she be charged? I’m so sorry you had to go through this scary ordeal…… What a miracle!


  3. I am so glad you were not hurt more seriously!!  When my husband was in the accident several years ago, the amount of glass was phenominal.  We picked slivers out of his mustache for days.  {{{Hugs}}}

  4. Thank goodness you are ok, that is so scary to be in an accident. I hope everything works out quickly for you with the insurance and getting a new vehicle.  God is good to protect you!   😉  Blessings!

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