Very busy day at work and home.  I seem to have gotten a good handle on the paperwork on my desk at work.  I think tomorrow I should be pretty productive as I have a list going of what I need to get done.  I also am going to work a bit late tomorrow night.  My brother will be coming over to visit in the evening.  I look forward to seeing him again.   I will be home around 7:00 from work. 

Josh was very helpful tonight and had supper made for me when I got home with Tommy from daycare.  We ate and headed off to church.   Church was interesting we discussed the The Passion of Christ as the group went to see it last Wednesday.  I haven’t seen it yet since I was ill. 

I am still struggling to sleep at night as you probably can tell since I am typing at this hour.  usually I am long alseep by now.   After we were home from church I updated our home calendar since I had updated my work one today.    Then it was time to work on our budget for the next two weeks and pay bills.  The flylady would be proud of me as I was able to pay a little beyond my minimums again this payperiod.  YEAH!  I am banging away at that debt.  We decided that we won’t be having the electrician doing his things until we get one more debt paid off.  So I am working on that.  Hopefully we will have that done before Christmas.  We will see….we are just staying the course.

Joshua went to our church tonight and then went to another church with a friend for another service.  He is hoping to get out of school on Friday for the hockey tournaments, but I am unsure if I will be letting him go.  I will talk with his friends mom tomorrow and discuss it.  He will have to get make up work of course.   They would be going without adult supervision.  I am not too sure about that.   Hmmm……..I know he is getting older, he is almost 16, but I am cautious.  I am not worried about him, he is a good kid and I trust him a great deal.

I suppose I should fold the load of clothes waiting for me and head to bed.  Hope everyone has a great day/night.   

0 thoughts on “

  1. The Daytimer:  here’s what I posted yesterday about using these:

    <LI>She also uses a Daytimer and suggests having master lists on the computer formatted for 5×8 pages so she can print them and use them in the Daytimer instead of buying the expensive paper at the store to go in these books.  She had tabs in this Daytimer for :  all her bills/account #s, family/friends bday list, cards to be sent, telephone list, social security #s, Drs name/#s, Credit card info, books loaned out, Cmas gift ideas and presents bought list, AND lists for grocery, errands, phone calls, projects, to-do, etc…… 

    I’m working on mine today just typing up info.  Hope this helps!  🙂

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