Wow…xanga, is working!! YEAH…and of course I am up to see it!   I actually had to be seen by the Dr again this morning.  I went to the clinic to get my Depo shot and the nurse wanted a Dr to listen to my breathing.  So I ended up being in the office for over 2 hours due to their concerns about my asthma.  ARGH….I was not happy.  I just didn’t have time for that today.   I saw a nurse practioner since my Dr was off and she double my does of predisone.  That is why I am still up and going at almost 2am.  ARGH….

I have cleaned out most of the cupboards in the kitchen.  Tomorrow I am going to Target to  buy these organizers for in my large food cupboard and I will reorganize that tomorrow night.  I think  I will try to geta bit of sleep in a little here.   I only have three more cupboards in my kitchen to empty and clean, then I guess I can move on to scrubbing the fronts of all the cupboards.  I don’t start tapering down on my predisone from another 3 days, so I think I will complete my kitchen by then. 

My pampered chef party had a terrible turnout tonight due to snow.   I do have about 14 outside orders so that should be good.  I have some more at the office I have to pick up.  I have to close my party on Tuesday of next week.    I will put the order info in a protected post for those that asked to order, since you need my real name.  

Well I guess I should head to bed.  Later! 

4 thoughts on “

  1. I’m sorry you had a small turn out for your pampered chef party.  I’m having one at the end of the month – I’m not sure how it will go.  I haven’t had a party like this in years.

  2. Pampered Chef parties are so much fun, you get to sample food and buy really useful kitchen stuff!! Hope you get more outside orders to make up for the party!

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