I took today off since I have the electrician coming on Monday and I need to have the basement done.  Argh…I don’t have much energy though.  YAWN!!  I got home last night as I was at book group.  We had a great time and discussed the book atgreat lengths for once.  We discussed Wuthering Heights.  

Since being up this morning I have paid all the bills for the next two weeks and moved money from our various accounts.   I then ran errands quickly.  I went to the Bank for spending cash.  Picked up some gift certs.  Mailed my bills. 

Then I went to take care of Erik’s dental bill.   Talk about a very unsatisfying experience.  First of course Erik’s mom had been in there trying to help I suspect, but didn’t.  But then again that is entirely another story.  ARGH.   I tell the bills lady that this is incorrect and she smirks at me and says, we will enter the checks and I will show you how it works.  OK….she does.  She enters the first check and the balance of the account is 0.  Hmmm….told you this was wrong as I still have one insurance check left!!  ARGH!!  And no I am not giving it to you as my balance with you is 0.  Find your error and fix it.  I explain to her the Erik’s mom’s insurance is primarily and I have the secondary coverage on him.   She said yes, his mother has come in and told her the same.  Ok…so fix it.  She said she had to check with the main office about changing it.  Excuse me???  If both insurance subscribers have told you they way they want it, you do it.   It isn’t your decision which insurance is pirmary.  It is ours and you have heard from both of us already. 

She mentioned that she got my phone call with questions that I had before about primary insruance, etc.  I see the message slip and I mention that the message was from over a month ago (1/20/04) and it has yet to get returned that is why I am in here.  She states she is a bit behind.   (do you think they would mind if I ignored my bill for over a month).   The customer service at that office is terrible and thank God I don’t take my family there.  I tell her that the check expires in 90 days from the date I called her, if they find their error I will turn it over.  If not they can go back to the insurance co and resubmit.   Gee seems like she will be calling the main office and getting this straightened out very soon and said she would call me about it right away. Hmmmm…we will see if that happens.  I have never been over 30 days behind in returning messages, that is unacceptable!  I might be writing a letter to the main office, not to mention the snotty response I got from the receptionist when I called stating there was an error.   Gee after graduate school and I can at least add.  6 years of college wasn’t an entire waste. 

Ok…enough bitching about terrible customer service!   Makes me thankful for my dental office who is great and even came in on the weekend when the office was closed when Josh had an accident and injured his teeth. 

Well I better grab a bit to eat and get busy on the basement before Josh gets after me.   

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