This morning included another trip back to JCPenney.  ARGH!!   I hope this is the last trip.   I ordered 2 -double traverse roads and a 2-1/2 inch valance rod to go with them.  I also ordered the pleated sheers for both windows.   I picked up some more hooks too for the sheers.  Once I get this in the mail I will return the pocket sheers and triple rods we have at home.  What an ordeal!   The funny thing is I hate to shop!  So returning to the store is not fun for me. 

I didn’t get to bed until late last night.  That always happnes when I work late as I have a hard time unwinding to fall asleep.  I finally went to bed around 12:00 and Tommy was up shortly after that.  ARGH. 

Looks like I am going to have to take Friday off and get my basement done as Monday the electrician is coming to give up a quote on some repairs.   Our week is very busy, tonight, Erik’s school conferences, Wednesday – Josh’s Conferences, Thrusday – Book Group (discussing Wuthering Heights).   So that only leaves Friday and maybe some of Wednesday night to get some major things done with the basement.   

My Pampered Chef party is next Friday the 5th of March.  I already have over $100 in outside sales.   I know of over 10 people coming to the party as well.   Should be a good turn out. 

The following day, Saturday, my brother is coming to stay with us for a few days.  He is going to assist to get the old pickup running so we can sell it.  Then we will be down to 3 vehicles in our driveway.  YEAH!!   

Life is a bit busy lately, but then again it usually is!   Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “

  1. I sent Tommy a subliminal message to SLEEP tonight…hope he heard me

    Thanks for the cooking comment on my site.  I never check that email, I confess.  I’ll get on there tomorrow & email you a better addy, ok?  Thank you, thank you thank you for all your cooking tips.  I AM reading them and DO actually think about them…

    Good luck with JCPenny! 

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