Pretty good day.  After groceries, hubby and I stopped at my office so he could carry up a flat of water for me.  Good thing i have 24-hour access to the building, comes in handy.  Then we went to the attorney’s office.  We get there and the suite I have written down has a different lawyers name outside….OOPS.  They had moved their offices.   So we call them and head to the correct office.  Luckily it was pretty close.  

We have discussed our wishes with the attorney and he is drawning up our will and trust for us.  He will mail it to us to review and then we will be meeting with him again in March.  I am happy with his suggestions and I am very glad we also were able to get the trust drawn up as well.   It is a good feeling to have this taken care of. 

Joshua stayed home and did the dishes for me.  He also found a memory stick for my camera on sale.  It is 256mg (i think) and after rebates will only cost 49.99.  A very good deal.  Hubby spent the day transferring my files to my new laptop.  The new camera stick goes right into the computer too, so that is helpful. 

I did manage to get a few loads of laundry done and now I think I will head to bed.  OH, yeah and I watched Under the Tuscan Sun.  I really liked this movie.  I could just relate to her discovering herself and her life again. 

Hope you all had a great day!!

Random discussions with a 2 year old……………..

Me:  Tommy please use your fork.
T:  No…
M:Tommy we use forks to eat.
T:  I use hands.
M: Mommy wants you to use a fork.
T: I use hands (holds up his messy little hands)
So I takes his plate away and tell him he has to use his fork.
M:  Mommy will give your plate but you have to eat with a fork.
Are you going to use a fork?
T: No hands.
M: then no plate.  Will you use a fork?
T (nods head yes, he picks up the fork and holds it in one hand and eats with his other hand)   He just smiles………..

I give up! 

You got to love that little cutie!!  He makes us smile everyday.   I could not imagine my life without him.  Though he sure does wear me out!  He is a handful, but my handful.

He was just wimpering in his sleep.  I went in and held him until he fell back to sleep.  He finished wimpering and went back to sleep.  What an amazing feeling to know I can comfort him so.  No such thing as a monster when mommy is there.  I hope my nearness will alway comfort him in his life.  

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