I tried to go to bed early last night.  Hubby didn’t cooperate, he was in and out of the bedroom a million times and did go to bed until after midnight, then he needed to read with the light on.  I was very crabby about this all. 

Tommy woke up around 3:00am and again at 7:00am for the day.  I guess I am never meant to have a complete night of sleep again. 

This morning we are going to :

Post Office

This afternoon I will make my menu and grocery list.  I will be getting groceries tonight I think.  Well off to shower and get ready for our day.  TTYL…maybe I will be able to type up some recipes today!  I am way behind!  No, wait, I have to finish my book for book group first.  

4 thoughts on “

  1. I don’t blame you A BIT for being peeved about the bedtime disturbance the one night you wanted to go to bed early!

    I’m listening to the James Patterson book on cassette (Cradle Will Fall), and I’m gripped by it!  I can’t wait to go to work & come home to find out what happens next  In a nutshell, it’s about two virgins (one in Rhode Island, one in Ireland) who find themselves pregnant, and how the Vatican becomes involved… After reading The Jester a few months ago (my first Patterson read), I am now officially a fan of this guy!

    Do you like The Curious Incident….?

  2. I guys we’re on the same boat about not ever having 8 hours of sleep. It’s funny how my dh can always manage to have 8 hours and I’d be lucky to have 6 hours of sleep. Mothers are definitely amazing….we can endure so much…

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