I ended up not going to the parent info night at Josh’s school.  I had a headache and jsut couldn’t face it all.   I had a low keyed evening, I was watching in neice and nephew and then my SIL stayed to visit for a bit.  I did get the kitchen floor scrubbed and the house vacuumed.   I won an auction on Ebay!  I purchased a cute little wrought iron plant stand for my office at work.  I had been looking for just the right item and hadn’t been able to find it.   Part of my b-day present

I am off to bed to read my book.  I need to finish it by Thursday evening so my friend can read it.  Later! 

2 thoughts on “

  1. Hope you are feeling better, I’m sure some other parent can fill you in on the meeting, in half the time or less that it would take the school to say all they wanted to say.

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