SUnday….the weekend is flying by. Today is Erik’s Christmas Program at church so we will be going there. It is right in the middle of the afternoon and nap time. ARGH, not good timing. I hope to cut Erik’s blanket before we go to the concert. We should be home from chruch this morning by about 11:00. Then it is a quick lunch and nap time for Tommy. I will finish up Erik’s blanket on Friday night at Craft Night at church.

I will clean and do laundry the rest of the day and evening. I have 7 friends coming over on Monday evening for our annual cookie exchange. Time for me to hit the shower and get us all ready for Church. Later!

Last night we watched Pirates of the Carribean, I don’t know if it is just me or what, but I wasn’t really impressed. Everyone was going on and on about how good this movie was, it was ok….not terrific in my opinion. We have one movie to watch tonight, Anger Mananagment, I forget who is in that. Later!

0 thoughts on “

  1. I thought “Pirates” was really good. In fact, I kind of want to buy it. Anger Management was NOT good IMO. Adam Sandler is in it.

  2. “Pirates” was kind of kooky and charming. Think of it as mindless entertainment By the way, I volunteer to be the cookie taste-tester for your annual cookie exchange

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