AAAAH…Tommy is down for his nap. I have a few quiet moments before I go do dishes and look at the paper. LEt’s see….today so far we returned the Rug Doctor after finishing our house and my in-laws. We did run into Sears to exchange a pair of shoes I bought for a larger size. Dumb move, it is the day after Thanksgiving. People are sure nuts to go shopping this day. I never venture into a store on the morning after Thanksgiving. No deal is good enough to get me there.

DRUM ROLL PLEASE………….I am so excited to say I just wrote out my bills and I have NO credit card debt, not one penny! YEAH!! It sure have taken many years to get to this moment, but I am sure glad about it. I very rarely use a credit card anymore, unless it is to buy online (then I pay it off entirely) or an emergency car repair. Now I am planning on getting a updated credit report and I will be calling each of the cards that are still open and request that they be closed. We will only leave one joint cerdit card for emergency open. Now to just get those monsterous student loans paid off! At least the student loans and house are able to be claimed on our taxes.

I took the boys to each rent a movie for the day. Tommy rented the new Wiggles Movie. Josh rented Dumb and dumberer….and it was dumb! I rented…the story of David Gale or something like that. Hubby and I will watch it tonight together. We might even put up the tree tonight. I have to find my CHristmas music to play too!

Well Thanksgiving is over and I have maintained my weight loss, now to lose about another 5 before Christmas. AAAH….If I would just remember to eat regularly. I would do fine. With a few days off I will be able to get back on track before I head back to work. I did a dumb weight thing online and it says I am within my ideal weight. I think I must be on the higher end of my ideal weight. My endocrinologist gave me a weight to shoot for and it is the lower end my ideal. He said that is the best way to be proactive with diabetes, since I was diabetic with my last pregnancy. So a few more pounds to go! I need to start lifting weights again too. Maybe I will get my hubby and Josh to start lifting with me again too!

I think this weekend we need to go to my in-laws and fix their TV and then we are going to shop for a new fridge. Looks like I might even have enough money to get hubby the new computer he wants too! He is so spoiled. He said it should be for his either Thanksgiving or New Years present as we have a $50.00 limit on Christmas for each other. Previous years my hubby bought me some beautiful jewlery that was WELL over $50.00 so we made this rule! IT is sometimes hard to find the ideal, meaningful present for that amount, but fun! It used to be only $25.00 in previous years. That was a fun year, hubby made me this most romantic picture in poem in a seashell frame about our honeymoon on Sanibel Island. I can’t wait to go back there….soon, very soon!

Well I best get something done around here. Have a great relaxing day! I am sure I have blabbed enough….catch ya all later!

4 thoughts on “

  1. Congrats, I am soooo glad for you on getting rid of the credit card debt!  I hope my husband and I get there one day.  Slowly but surely, it’s melting away.

    Lovely Xanga!

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