Hi…Halloween was fun. Tommy made it to about 6 houses, then I couldn’t carry him anymore and he wouldn’t walk. Josh decked out house and scared Tommy at first. We had over 90 trick or treaters. I only have a little candy left. That is a good thing. Today I plan on catching up on things around the house, mainly laundry. If I get it all done today, I will be able to spend more time with hubby tonight and tomorrow.

I hope to add a few more recipes to my web page today, but we will see how that goes. I am going to make a double batch of Ham & Bean Soup to use up the last of the ham from last weekend.

Well I best dry my hair and get going to the library. Tommy and I are off to the grocery store, library and McDonalds for our treat. I take Tom to McDonalds twice a month when the other kids are at their other parents home. I am sure you will see more of me today as I will be rewarding myself with computer time of course to get stuff done!


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