Hello!!  Are you all ready for Halloween???  It used to be such a big holiday for us, but we have scaled down so much since Tommy was born as we didn’t want to scare him.  I might try to dress up this year, we will see.  Tommy is a cow for Halloween. 

Last night was fun at church, Tommy even kept his costume on for the whole night.  He won’t wear the hood that has the cow head on it though.  I took a few pictures and should be able to get those developed in a few days.  Once we got home we, Tommy got ready for bed and we watched Dora in Mommy’s bed for a bit.  He went to his bed at around 8:30 and stayed in his room for the night.  He was sleeping on the floor again. 

I didn’t get too much done last night.  Once Tommy was in bed I sorted through our mail basket from last week.   I was suppose to reconcile my checkbook, but I will do that during my lunch break today.  I made lunches for my hubby and I as well.  Then it was off to bed early….I was TIRED!! 

Today and tomorrow I am working in the office all day.  I have alot of paperwork to catch up on.   I need to run into the grocery store to pick up milk and green onions on the way home tonight.   I am making a ham spread with the left over ham for supper.  We have alot of ham left over from the confirmation.  

Time for a To Do list and conquer this paperwork!

  • Reconcile Checkbook
  • Grocery Store – Milk and Gr. Onions
  • Carve Pumpkin with Josh and Tom
  • Laundry
  • Have Josh Pick out movies to watch Tomorrow night with me
  • Find Cell Phone
  • Bedtime Routine!!!!

A first failure may prepare the way for later success. – Arnold Lobel

0 thoughts on “

  1. Halloween used to be a big deal here too.  I’m not sure when we stopped making such a big to do about it.  In fact, Kimberley is the only one doing anything this year.  Hmmmm…..

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