We had a wonderful time at the Apple Orchard. Tommy rode the horsie. He really enjoyed that. He kept saying “I rode the horsie” to everyone. I walk along side the horse as the made it around the pasture. They had some teen girls that lead the horses. I walked along too incase Tommy had trouble. At one point he was starting to slide to the side so I reached to stablize him. He said “NO…myself!”. So he rode himself with no correction from Mommy. Of course when the girl said all done at the end he said “no!”. But I got him off all the same.

Then a coal train came by. He was really into that. He has never seen a train before. Then we went and walked in the orchard. Tommy said all kinds of words, “apple, pumpkin, etc.” After wards we went to the orchard store for a treat. Daddy was a bit hungry when we went in there…OH NO!!! We ended up with a lot of treats! Tommy enjoyed an apple cookie on the way home.

The rest of the evening Tommy and I played while Daddy went to pick up Josh at his dads. I washed three loads on Tommy’s clothes in dreft for him to wear this week. I will try this for the week and see if it makes a difference. If his skin clears up better I will be washing his clothes separate for the entire winter. I still need to buy some hypoallergenic soap for at daycare as well.

After Tom was in bed, I straightened up a bit in the living room and kitchen. Then I took my me time and exercised. Now I am going to sneak off to bed and read for a bit. Tomorrow I can sleep in a little bit since I go to school with Tommy and hubby. What a great hubby I have……….he goes to school with Tommy and I each week. He makes me smile with his dedication to me and our children. At least I know my children have a great example of what a father should be like. Unlike my first marriage where it was always Josh and I doing things. I am glad that isn’t the example my kids see now, they see that Dads are part of the family and go to church with us, on outings, to the Drs, and to movies. We do stuff as a family, because that is what is important!

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