Getting ready to call it a night. I didn’t get home from work until 8:30 so I spent a little bit of time with the kids, then marched them off to bed. Literally actually, Tommy has Daddy and I march behind him for a parade to go to bed. Usually he plays his pretend horn, but tonight he decided to hit a book as a drum. He is an amazing little goof!

I am working from home tomorrow. I still don’t know what time the plumber will be coming to unhook the dryer. They said they would call between 7-8 tomorrow to tell me. I need to get two reports done tomorrow for work and hopefully I will also get my chores from today done. They will only take me an hour, tops.

I came home to a huge pile of folded clean laundry!! My hubby was a sweet man today and did numerous loads of laundy. He also washed the dishes and ran an errand for me. I am so appreciative of him at this moment! I think it is time for me to go snuggle with him. Later!!

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