AAAAH….catch up Saturday! I am not as motivated as I would like to be today to clean. But then again when are we excited about cleaning. I am playing my favorite game to motivate myself. The funny thing is most of you will understand it as if you read my blog are similiar to me. I not very motivated by a list today as the list seems never ending so I am playing the rotation game!!! yes, I have too much time on my hands, I set hte timer for 15 minutes and I rotate through the main areas of my house 15 minutes at a time. After 30 minutes I earn a 15 minute break yeah!!!! So since I am typing now I am either cheating or have earned my 15 minutes!

So far I spent 15 minutes in the Dining Room and Living Room. (finally the stick floor in the living room is cleaned, Tommy spilt juice and Daddy didn’t clean it up very well!). Now i have 15 minutes to enjoy some water and blogging…..Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

Next it will be 15 minutes in the Kitchen, then bathroom! Hopefully I will be done then as I hope Tommy wakes up by then! LOL!! If not it is on to the bedroom. You get the picture…..isn’t funny that as an adult I still have to invent games to keep my attention and motivation. OH. well what ever works. The house is a bit out of control since I have been sick for a few days. Hubby doesn’t really care too much how things look. I have no idea what happened to my neat freak hubby. he is LONG gone…… I am the neat freak. WEIRD….

Ok, Ok…off to the kitchen….chat at ya later or in about 30 minutes!

3 thoughts on “

  1. I love the new fall look its very cozy~! I hope you start to feel better and dont over do it k I know how that goes right now myself being sick too. take your breaks and have a good weekend~!

  2. I was doing the same thing when I read this entry, LOL.  I’m pretty excited though because I’m finally done for the day.  It was definately a catch up day for me as well.  But at least now I can walk through my bedroom, not to mention the entire house, without tripping over anything.  Hope you get to enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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