I am at work…and I am managing.  My headache is a dull roar.  I have to be here to see if my 2:00 appointment shows up.  She has been on the run for a while, so we will see.

Tonight is the homecoming game, so Josh and his friends will be going to the game tonight.  After the game everyone is coming to our house for a bonfire, so I will have to run to the store and buy some pop and chips.  Even though I am not feeling the best  I still want to kids coming to our house.   I rather they are at my house so I know where they are and what they are doing.  It gives me a piece of mind that is for sure!!!   So Mt. Dew and Doritos for 20??? LOL!!  I jsut made Josh promise that at 2:00am they won’t be asking me to drive kids home, since I haven’t been feeling the best.  He said it will all be kids that live right by us and their parents said to walk home.  We will see……

Back to work….paperwork and paperwork to get done!

0 thoughts on “

  1. That’s great that they are coming to your house, and that he feels good bringing his friends home.  That said, hope you survive lol.

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