I left work last night around 7:30pm.  I was the last car in the parking lot.  Not unusual for a Monday.   Once I got home we went to Sears as they are having an appliance sale and we wanted to get the matching dryer to go with our new washer.   The matching one was sold out…..ARGH!!!  it was suppose to be 499.99 so they substituted a model two levels higher for the same price.  Good deal.  So that dryer was suppose to be 649.00 and I was able to have it for 499.99.  It will be delivered sometime next week, hopefully.   We have to have a plumber some and unhook and rehook up the gas for the dryer.  So looks like I will have to work from home for a few days next week.  ARGH…oh well, that isn’t so bad.  I have a few things to get done.

Did any of you watch Trading Spaces, They hated it, last night?  It is always fun when they hate it.   Luckily I had it taped so I could forward to the end to see them hate it!   Hubby was busy working on the program for the Prayer COnference at church.  It is a huge print job!  

I was so tired by the time I got home, so I didn’t really get much done.  Tonight I will need to try and get home a bit earlier so I can scrub floors and do dishes.  Hope everyone is having a great day!


Change sheets
Dust & Vacuum
Sweep & Mop
Mirrors & Doors
Make Lasagna for tomorrow so all we have to do it bake!
Strength Training
Get to bed by 10:00!!!!! 

3 thoughts on “

  1. I don’t even make lasagna anymore, I just buy stouffer’s frozen lasagna. It is sooo good and lasagna is so time consuming to make.

  2. wow what a great deal they gave you~! I bet you cant wait till you get in the house huh I know  I would be dying to try it out lol. I missed that show last night since it was my birthday how did it go? I sometimes wonder why they hate it it was there idea to give over the room to the designer to change and they new they had no say so in what happened ? it makes no sense to me it is always changable too lol some people lol Have a great week~!

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