Well I am home sick today. Argh…I woke up in the middle of the night very sick with a upset stomach. I helped hubby get Tommy ready for daycare then I went back to bed. I slept until 11:00. But I don’t really feel any better since I am up. ARGH!!!

I only woke up because some guys were ringing our door bell. I looked out the window there were three men in suits handing out pamphlets. I was still in my pj’s so I didn’t answer the door. But then I was awake for the day.

I still have such a headache and stomach ache. ARGH!!

Well hubby was upset last night, he got another letter from his ex about problems with Erik. My hubby doesn’t handle that well and gets very upset. I feel for him, but all his talking to me about it isn’t going to help. I told him, I’m not the one to talk to about your concerns. Not that I am not supportive, but I can’t do anything about it.

Tonight two ladies from church are coming over to work on the booklets for Prayer Conference with Paul. I suppose that means I should get showered, dressed and clean up a bit around here before I take a nap.

Hope you are all having a great day! Later!

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