About time to head to bed….AAAAH….I changed the bed sheet sso I love crawling into a bed with nice clean sheets…AAAH….makes me want to get to bed eaarly!

I got quite a bit done today, but have alot to do yet. Things have gotten so cluttered over the summer! I have many more rooms to go through. The only one really done is the luandry room.

I have about three loads of laundry left to do. Then I am all done. I will need to get back into the routine of doing a load every day. Since we were gone every night last week, I didn’t do much.

Time so bed and I am back on the wagon with my routines. The dishes are done, clothes laid out, bags ready, lunches ready and I am leaving supper up to my hubby tomorrow as he is off and I am working late. I always work late on Mondays since I go in late after Tommy’s school.

We had to run to Target tonight to get some things for Tommys school. I hope to be able to take a day off this week and get caught up around here before the weekend. We will see if that will happen. I have a lot to do at work as well.

NIght!! Have a great week!

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