Hubby was at a church meeting this evening. The boys and were home. After Tommy headed to bed I went down to work on putting the laundry room back together for about 1-1/2 hours. I am about 1/3 done. I will have to work on it over the weekend to finish.

I took off of work today at noon. I really needed to buy pants for work. I HATE SHOPPING!!! My hubby says I not a normal woman as I absolutely hate shopping. I like to grab what I want and get out. I can never do that with pants. I had to try on a million different styles. Oh yeah…and I am very very picky. I ended up buy two dress pants for work. One pair of Lands End Chinos and a pair from Christopher Banks. I am not in love with either pair. I also bought one pair of jeans. Mine all have holes in the butt. LOL!! Did I mention I am so cheap I wear my clothes until hubby say…YOU CAN”T WEAR THAT ANYMORE! LOL!! I bought one pair of Calvin Klein Jena I liked alot….almost loved! I have to wear them a few times and if I begin to love them I might get one more pair.

I wandered around Pier One my favorite store!! I bought a votive vine to go with the picture my mom made us. Very cool.

I found Tommy a pair of Skeecher tennis shoes that light up originally 36.00 marked down to 10.00. He needed a new pair so that was cool. Did I mention I rarely ever pay full price for anything. It will never matter how comfortable finacially we are, I will always be like this. I find it to be soo much fun. I bought Tommy one new outfit for his birthday. I also got him two wooden knob puzzles for Grandma to give him for his birthday. I do her shopping for her as it is too hard for her to go out anymore.

I think that is it…I am off to watch a bit of TV and then head to bed. Have a great night!

3 thoughts on “

  1. i know what you mean about shopping! i don’t like it either. i love to have nice things, but i hate the act of shopping. so, i guess we both are not normal!

  2. I’m an abnormal woman too. I HATE CLOTHES SHOPPING! And I’m the same way with pants. Gotta try them on and 99% of the time they don’t fit right. And I don’t pay full price either. It’s gotta be on sale or I got to eBay or something like that!!!!!

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