I don’t know what is up with the other social worker hat had this case.  I met my new client today and she was very nice.  I look forward to working with her and her children. 

CRAZYMOMMA – your right about being a social worker.  It is great to help people, the pay is LOW.   there are budget cuts at my place of work, I do work in county government as for as lay offs it is more stable than the private industry, but the pay is less. 

But my employer allows me a lot of flexiblity, which I couldn’t find elsewhere.   But we are a bit over worked….my caseload is one of the highest in our section and only growing.  

0 thoughts on “

  1. Glad the new client is better than you thought!

    My youngest is 16 months.  I didn’t really have any issues Garrett and blankets…but Ethan isn’t nearly as physical as Garrett was at that age.  Ethan seems so much more like a baby.  I have thought of putting a blanket on him the past few days, though.

    Garrett got pillows when he moved into a toddler bed at 23 months.  I just thought a pillow was too much to have in the crib (since he sleeps with 4 small stuffed animals).  I bought the small ones from OneStepAhead.  He “graduated” to an adult pillow about 2 mos ago.

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