I”m Here…..still feeling overwhlemed.  Thursday was a tremedously busy day.  I dropped Tommy off at daycare.  Josh took Erik to Church.  I came home picked up Josh and we went to MPLS to see the allergist.  New forms were signed to have meds  at school and he also gave him some new eye drops due to his very itchy eyes.   I asked the Dr about Tom’s eczema and he said I should have him see a dermatologist and have food testing. 

I called the peditrician and he didn’t agree with the allergist about Tom’s eczema.  He put Tom on this new medication that just came out.  I am suppose to give Tom a bath twice a day and put medication and lotion on him twice daily until it is cleared up. 

After taking care of the medical things for my kids, off to take care of the van.  I let Josh drive the van for a bit then we dropped it off with Midas.  My SIL picked up up and returned us home.  I got a call from Midas and they can’t repair the van.   It needs a new Catalitic Converter and he tried to do one on a AWD van like mine and it didn’t work well.  He wanted 1,500.00 to attempt this.  I think not.  I went to the dealership who can order the part and it will be there this morning.   The dealership cost with parts and labor was only 925.00.  So I had my FIL pick me up and take me to Midas and Took the van to the dealership.  I had to then get a rental car to get to work today, which the dealership was great about getting mea rental too.   BTW, my rental is a Ford Focus and I hate it.  I can’t see out the back of it to back up….YUCKY!!

So my plans for today have changed.  I can’t go to book group as I have to have the rental back by 5:00 and then pick up the van. 

The biggest bummer of course was since I wasn’t going to have a house payment due for September I was going to pay off one of my credit cards in full…..but now it seems like the van repairs are real close to a house payment themselves…..Oh..well I will keep plugging away at it. 

Tonight I have to finish laundry and get pack to leave tomorrow with the boys.  

0 thoughts on “

  1. We’ll be getting ready tonight and tomorrow for the weekend too. Getting things cleaned up and picked up etc. I am doing laundry right now, dinner is in the crock, the dishwasher should be done or about done, and I have to get the boys early from school again today, due to the heat. Whew! Overwhelmed is an understatement! LOL

  2. As my mother used to say, it it’s not one thing, it’s another!  I caught that little line about how you let Josh drive the van for a bit…

  3. I don’t know. Each package I got has 2 sheets in it, and each sheet has 12, so there are 24 plastic things total. I ordered 4 packages and it cost me $10.

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