Wow…where has the time gone!! My mother has come and gone already. We were very busy with her here and then again we are alwyas very busy.
Thursday my SIL and I drove out to Hutchinson, MN to pick up my mother. On the way back into the cities we stopped at the Maple Grove Once Upon A child. I bought a fabulous Columbia winter jacket for Tommy with snow pants. I found him a Little Tykes Wagon and some much needed PJ’s. I also found him a nice Tommy Hilifiger shirt for chuch. After that I stopped at S R Harris fabric outlet to buy some fleece to make a “twice as warm blanket” for my neighbors who had twin boys a couple of weeks ago.
Friday I was off of work to get ready for the Block Party. Our finally count waw 94 people had paid and RSVPed. Friday my neighbor and I went ot Sam’s club and bought all the food. Hubby made his Famous Dave’s beans. We had a dunk tank and a moon walk thing for the kids. It was great fun!! On Saturday, my mom was a live saver. She was able to watch Tommy and chase him around while we did the block party. Hubby cooked and I stayed busy with a ton of misc. things from running games to make root beer floats.
Sunday we just cleaned up and relxed. WOW were we ever tired! I finally went to bed at about midnight on Saturday night, but there were still people sitting in our yard having a great time. I just couldn’t stay awake. Oh..yeah…and my oldest ran into a metal fence on Saturday night and hurt his front teeth.
Sunday morning we had an emergency dental appointment to have his teeth looked at. He has a piece of metal stuck in his front tooth that they will try to remove at his next appointment. His front teeth were too loose and sore to remove it on that day. The emergency appointment was not as expensive as I thought it would be, now to see if our insurance will pay for any of it.
Now our week begins!! Our daycare was closed for the week of August 11th so that is why my mother was staying with us. She watched the kids so we could still go to work. I didn’t ahve enough time to take off since I had taken about 10 days off in February when I was in the hospital. That messed everything up. I hope to just take the two weeks off next year when the day care is closed and jsut stay home with the boys or go somewhere or something.
The rest of the week was pretty normal. My mom watched the kids during the day and I came home made supper and took care of them in the evening.
Monday I had to appear in court for work so had to be out of the house early. Good thing hubby has Monday’s off so he was around with my mom and the kids. Tuesday I had to take Joshua to register for school and get his pictures then, etc. Wed and Thursday, work, work…….
Friday I worked only a part of the day then I took Joshua School clothes shopping. He really didn’t need much only two pairs of pants, sock, tennis shoes and gym shorts. I hate shopping…..Friday evening my mom and I went to craft night at our church. We had a great time. We complete two “twice as Warm blankets”. Then turned out great!! Joshua wants me to make one for him with the school colors for foot ball games, etc. I will probably try and make Erik one as well. Maybe for Christmas??? We will see. I am planning on going to craft night once a month so hopefully I can get something accomplished. Either I will make more blankets for Christmas or I will work on my scrapbooks.
Saturday we ran errands in the mornings and I made Egg Rolls in the afternoon. My mom and I took the blankets and some fresh egg rolls over to my neighbors. The rest of the eveing we jsut relaxed….YEAH!!!
Sunday, we went to church of course. We caught up with a lot of people we needed to, etc. After Church we changed clothes and got ready to take Grandma back to meet my Dad in Hutchinson. It was sure nice to have grandma with us. We hope she can come stay another time with us again next year. I really want my children to know their grandparents, but that is hard since they live in another state and Tommy doesn’t travel that well. Sunday evening hubby and I went to get groceries. It is great to be able to leave Tommy and Erik with Joshua. Josh is such a help around the house. He is really getting to be such a responsible young man.
Well off to work, I have finished as much of my lunch as I plan on eating. later….
Midwestblahs – Ok….I have to share…I bought some Kaboom!! I love it!!! My new favorite cleaner, thanks for the info. My bathroom grout is looking better and better!
- Change Sheets
- Dust
- Vacuum
Sweep & MopMirror and Doors- Pay Bills
Words spoken on the road are heard by snakes in the grass. – Mo Yan
Once again, I am totally exhausted after reading your blog!! I’m sooooo glad that your block party was such a success! And how nice that you had a great visit with your mom and she was able to help you out!
Wow, you’ve had a busy couple of weeks, but it sounds like good times. {{{{Hugs}}}} to your ds and the mouth injury. I cringed when I read that. The craft night at your church sounds like so much fun. I would love to do something like that.