It is a hot one in Minnesota today…the temps reached about 96 I think. Not a good thing for this asthmatic. The heat makes it so hard for me to breathe, plus it is prime allergy time.

I only got a few of my chores done tonight. Some will have to go on tomorrows list. I was jsut tired. Tommy had gotten up twice last night crying from bad dreams. I hope he sleeps tonight. Josh had jsut walked by the nursey and he said he thought he smelled Tommy. So I go take a flashlight into the nursey and sure enough Tommy has messed his diaper. ARGH!! And he is sound alseep. So I carefully changed him by flashlight. I hope he goes back to sleep ok.

Josh went to Breathe tonight at church. It is the high school youth group. He really has found a great group of kids to be with there. I am so happy for him.

Other than that it was the usually night…make supper, bathe baby, dress baby, take baby for walk, put baby to bed. Time to do chores, sweep and scrub floors and clean the doors and windows. Time to collapse………..

Have a great night! Chat at ya tomorrow!

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