Cranky Ostara…….GRRR…I have a fairly major asthma attack today. I leave work early as I need to come home and neb, etc. I am not feeling well at all. I neb and then sleep for a bit. Hubby in the mean time comes home and takes him normal nap after work. The baby is running around yelling so of course I get up. Do you think my hubby could start supper or even think of taking care of the kids. NOPe….his comment, “well how long were you going to sleeP???” I don’t know I had a major asthma attack, so it interferred with your nap, dear.

So I make supper and put away supper, etc. I amke Erik’s bag lunch for day camp. get food marinading for tomorrow supper, etc. I do the dishes and get the baby ready for bed and into bed. I am pissy about doing all this as I would think if I am under the weather someone would help out a bit. but unfortunately my families idea of helping out is saying, “you don’t have to do that tonight” , which only mean you can do it tomorrow!!!!

One thought on “

  1. All I can say is MEN!!!!!!! I can totally sympathize with your situation. Didn’t you know the unwritten rule? Mothers are NEVER allowed to get sick!!! HUGS to you and hope you feel better AND get some help today!

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