I have been terrible about returning comments lately.  I seem only to have enough time for a few posts a week.  GRRR…I can’t wait until summer is over and our life is back to our normal routine.


Kimmiesmommie – Congrats on doing the Blogathon.  I was really neat.  I still need to print out some of your recipes.  I hope you keep that site up for a bit.

MidwestBlahs – I will post the chicken fingers recipe for you as soon as I am at home and posting

Mrs_Ann_A – how are YOU????  A pressure cooker is this kettle thing that you use on the top of a stove that cooks food under pressure and much quicker.  I can cook a roast in 20 minutes.  Just a nother thing in my life to speed up my day!   I love to cook great meals for the family but have a limited amount of time after work to do that. 

Zvanoizu – Thanks for the google site for pressure cooker recipes.  I will have to check it out!



Of course I miss welcoming 1/2 of my subscribers!  Sorry about that!  But I welcome you all now and thanks for subscribing! 

Back to work! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks for the welcome 🙂

    I am looking forward to summer being over just because then I get back on a normal routine!

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