Bad, bad bad….sleep night. I am not sure if it was because we had such a busy weekend or what, but Tommy was off scedule terribly last night. He went to be around 8:00 as always. He actually was tired and went right to sleep. But at 3:30 he was up and crying. He stayed awake until about 6:30. My hubby was up with him, but I couldn’t sleep anyways so I got up and got Tommy to go back to sleep. My hubby can be a bit useless with the kids at night, but he at least tries.
Erik woke up too and decided it was unfair that Tommy was up and he couldn’t be. He woke up at about 5:00am and I made him go back to sleep. He came back up again begging to stay up. I sent him back to bed again. He felt it was unfair that Tommy was up watching Blues’ Clues. Gee…not like it was what we wanted him to be doing. Good Night Erik!
So it is a late start morning for me at work. I am goign to leave soon to go to work. I had to get a few hours of sleep.
Busy night tonight……….VBS again tonight, so Erik will be there for the night.


* Change Sheets
* Dust & Vacuum
* Sweep & Mop
* Trash
* Mirrors & Doors

* Evening Routine
* Clean off Top of Microwave
* Plant Plants…
* Get Groceries
* Pay Bills

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