yep, you guessed it. life got away from me again. Man…too many things to do to have time to type tp you all. So here is a quick low down of what happened the last few days and what is coming up at our house.

Car is FINALLY fixed. I did have a half and hour walk home one night after work, that was Wednesday. I was not a happy person to say the least. But it was my hubby’s birthday so I tried to get over it quickly. I made seafood alfredo for his supper, which he loved. The kids liked it a lot too. But then again I have my kid hooked on seafood. They love lobster and crab!

The drain for the washer is finally fixed so I am able to do laundry again. YEAH!! I need to catch up again since I was with out a washer for a few days.

We have all the flyers for the block party handed out. We haven’t gottne too many RSVP’s yet. Hopefully soon!

Hubby got a great job offer from the place he is currently working, scine they didn’t want him to leave. It isn’t great in regards to pay, but is in regards to the work he would be doing and the hours. That is what is most important. I caould care less how much he makes as long as he is happy.

I jsut had my job preformance review. I got the highest rating possible, which means the highest raise allowed under our union contract, YEAH!!! I work very hard, so usually do well on my merit reviews.

Saturday was a busy, busy day!! The boys and I were up early and went to church for Mommy & Me morning, which I help organize and run. it was our first event, and it went pretty well. My favorite pastor’s wife had returned for a visit. Marlyn was a fantastic pastor, he married us and baptized Tommy which meant the world to us. They have moved to Kenticky, but his wife and children were home for a visit so I was able to spend some time with this on Saturday morning.

Then we were invited to a BBQ to spend more time with the pastor’s wife, but I had to decline since it was Tommy’s nap time. We don’t mess around with that much or he gets so cranky.

Saturday afternoon was a friend of my hubby’s wedding. We went to the wedding with another couple, Paul and Linda and had a great time. Linda is Paul’s best friend from childhood. She is great. We went to the dance with them as well. It was an ok time, but they wanted to leave fairly early. I finally convinced hubby to leave. Since we still had a sitter for a few hours, we went down to the lake and walk around for a bit. It was really nice.

We overslept for church and decided we all needed to rest a bit. We were going to the potluck and VBS Sunday evening . We have spent most of the weekend at the church. The wedding on Saturday was also at our church. So I was in the church on Saturday from about 8:00am to 12:30 and back at the church by 3:30.

Erik enjoyed VBS this evening. He has VBS all week from 6:30 to 8:30. Gives him something to do.

OUr week is fairly busy with VBS every night. I also am hosting my book discussion group at my house on Thursday evening. That should be interesting since most of the members are in their 50’s with no small children. Welcome to my world of small children everywhere!

Time for me to head to bed and work on getting my book done for book group. I am almost 1/2 done. I have to get busy! But I have so many other things to do as well. LATER!

0 thoughts on “

  1. YIKES!!!!!It makes me exhausted just to read your blog! God Bless you for doing as much as you do with several kids, especially one being a baby! I was like you….I never messed with my kids’ naps. They had to be on a schedule or they were impossible, so I just declined anything that interfered with their naps. Always admired those whose kids rolled with the punches and they would nap anywhere and have a good disposition all the time!

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