Hubby is home from work!! yeah…so I get a few minutes alone to type on the computer. Let’s see I will give a quick run down of our last few days.


We went to Cub Foods to get the items we need for the BBQ on Friday.   That was most of our evening.  Then when we got home the boys were dieing to light some of their fireworks.  After going for a walk with hubby and Tommy, we supervised the boys as they shot off their fireworks.  My SIL and kids come to joi i the fun as well.  At about 10:30 we called it a night and said it was too late for any more fireworks.  We all head in for bed.

Hubby and I go to bed.  Hubby is woke up by someone in our neighborhood shooting off fireowrks.  He was MAD!!  He ran outside to yell at them thinking it was the neighbors.  Back to bed….more fireworks, this time hubby is really mad.  He has a bad headache and has been woken for the second time.  He runs out side yelling at whoever is shooting the fireworks “ARE YOU DONE YET??”.   AAAh……all is quiet now in the neighborhood and off to bed we go.  Hubby had a terrible time falling back to sleep so was up most of the night. 


Happy Fourth!  We all slept late waking up around 9:30 for the day.  I shower and get the baby up.  He has a bath and gets dressed/  Hubby wakes up around 11:30 for the day.  I head to the grocery store to buy some corn on the cob for the party.  We had about 25 people over for the FOurth.  We had a meal and hung out until dark.  Then Paul and the boys went to his sister’s as they had bought 400.00 worth of fireworks.  I picked up the house a bit and put Tommy to bed.   I spent the rest of the evening listen on to smooth Jazz and reading my book.  AAAAH….very enjoyable. 

Hubby and Josh come home around 11:00.  Josh isn’t feeling very well he says.  He lays on the couch.   Erik is brought home by my SIL after 12:00.  Finally, I can go to bed!!!

4:00am – Josh is upand so am I.  He is sick and puking. He is not feeling very well.  Josh continued to be sick until about 6:00am   I went back to bed to get up at 9:00 with the baby.  Hubbby is off at work.

Josh spent most of the day on the couch.  I needed to run to the library this morning.  I go out to the car and it won’t start.  ARGH!!  So I call my BIL who comes over to jump start th3e car.  I take the two younger boys and head to the library.   When we come out the car won’t start again.  OH GREAT!! I call my sweet BIL again.  He comes to our rescue and follows us home.  The car dies at the stop light on HWY 61, but luckily BIL is behind us.  It takes abit to start the car again, but home we head.  BIL runs the last of my errands, to get saltines and 7_up for Josh.   SO I was at home the rest of the day. 

So I know my car is needing either a battery or alternator, we will see when we get it to the service station on monday.  GRRRR…one more expense.   Both of our vehicles are so old and we are in need of new ones, but can’t afford it right now.  Maybe after we finish refinancing the house, but I doubt it as then Erik’s child support will begin again and she wants more.   Such is life i guess………… least for a while. 

Today I did a few chores, did up the dishes from the party, some laundry and scrubbed the counter and sink in the kitchen real well, with the tooth brush.   I guess I should scoot as we checked the movie Lord of the Rings out from the library.   I think we will watch that now or I will read for more.  my book is a lot of fun! 


  • Clean off Desk
  • Clean top of Fridge
  • Sweep Laundry Room
  • Evening Routine
  • Update Quicken

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