The older children have returned and life is not as relaxed anymore.  I am glad they are back, but it certainly is a lot more work.  It is odd, but they are more work than Tommy. 

Hubby went to work on Saturday, but came home early.  He was really sick and slept the remaineder of the day.  He got up around 4:00 and we ran to Target to pick up a few small items.  Kristen had come over to play as well.  Julie brought over some diapers that Kristen will no longer be using.    After Tommy went to bed we watched Mullholland Dr.  Have any of you every watched that??  I was so confused, what was that movie about?? 


Our last few hours of only one child.  I am trying to enjoy it.  The house is so quiet, but I am actually enjoying it.   I needed to be at church early as I was to sit at the registeration table for Parent’s Night Out!   No one registered while I was there.  Joshua was at church when we got there.  It was very nice to see him.   He had a very good time and wants to go on mission trip next year.   He worked at a sheltered workshop with disabled adults and at the salvation Army.   Working with disabled adults is not anything new to him.  I work in the field and in years past I was a weekend coordinator at a group home and he went to work with me.  Also my nephew has autism.  The nice things Josh said about his trip was that “he got more out of working with people then they got from him”. 

Erik went to the movie with his bio mother and then came home in the afternoon.  He is happy to be home and very clingy.  He hugs us every other second.  I made a nice supper with dessert (Erik loves to have desset).  We had meatloaf, potatoes and corn.  I made a oreo pie for dessert.

I am making a point of staying with my routines.  I did my evening one fine, dishes done, packed for the day, laundry put away.   Both tables cleared off.   YEAH!!  I hope I can keep up with this.  I know how important our routines are to keeping our house running smoothly.  I even got to bed early enough to read for an hour.  AAAH….


Hubby’s day off.  I am off at work and he took Tommy to daycare and is staying home with the other two boys.  I got up sort of late, but did get laundry done and refilled our monthly meds container. 

I left a chore list for the boys to complete before I get home.  I find that even when hubby is home with the boys I have to leave a chore list.  He has a worse time remembering than the boys.   I hope they get their things all done.  I decided that I will need to do a chore list each day just to keep the house running smoothly and the boys on traack. 

Tonight is my weekly cleaning night……so here is my to do list as I need to get back to work.


  • Change Sheets
  • Dust & Vacuum
  • Sweep & Mop
  • Mirrors & Doors
  • Sweep the Laundry Room
  • Clean off top of Fridge
  • Evening Routine

    My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring
    And carried aloft on the winds of the breeze;
    For above and around me the wild wind is roaring,
    Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
    – Anne Bronte’


0 thoughts on “

  1. basically, the whole movie is a dream that the main character is having while she kills herself…only in the dream she’s someone else…it is very confusing…

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