I do believe it is important to make goals for yourself.  I as many people make them at the beginning of the year.  Don’t we all, but I do try to reflect back on my goals for the year periodically.  I wish I would remember to this monthly, but at least I do it…LOL!!!

So here is is…..I initially posted the areas I wanted to work on this year on January 9th. 

1) Taking Care of Self –

Not doing the best in this area, but I am making slow progress.  I have now gotten into a habit of taking my meds and do take them daily.   My asthma is under pretty good control, though I was in the ICU in February.  Since February, I am on many more asthma meds and I rarely miss a dose.  When you nearly die…you realize I should take these meds! LOL!!

Less Pop/ More water – I am still drinking more pop than I wished.  I would like an average day to be about 2 cans.  I usually need to have about 3 cans a day.  I am back on my water drinking schedule and am trying to be more aware of how much water I drink. 

Exercise- I come and go with this.  I was running a few times a week, now this last week I haven’t done much.  We did go on a family bike ride last night.  This is a very hard on for me!  But I have lost some weight…..more to lose though.  The exercise is more about increasing my endurance due to the breathing trouble I have and lack of energy after my hospitalization.  I am able to do more now…..hopefully soon to be back to regular me. 

Diet – I am regularly eating breakfast again.  I am trying to eat less carbs and always bring my lunch to work due to savings of money and diet.  I try to eat well for my breakfast and lunch, but have whatever everyone else has for supper. 

Bed by 10:30 – most night I make this time frame just by necessity.  I am TIRED!!  Some nights even earlier!

Time for Me….   I have joined a book discussion group and once a month I meet with them to discuss our selected book.  This has been a good thing for me.  I also am staying active in my group at church.  So I am having times when I can do things with other ladies.  I enjoy these moments very much. 

I think that this is the area in my life I need to keep a bit more track of.  I think I will maybe write daily for a month or so about this goal and see if that keeps me on track. 

2) HOME – Keeping UP with Routines/Laundry

Doing well….FlyLady would be proud.  If I fall off I am able to jump right back in fairly easyily. 

Laundry – I got totally caught up with this while Josh and Erik were gone for 10 days.  Now to just keep up with it!  So far so good!

3)  Friends/Family

Doing well…I have remembered most bithdays and anniversaries.  I haven’t been writing as many letter as I would like, but hey at least people are getting cards! 

Monthly activity with friends…book group!  I am so happy to be a part of this.  It is my monthly night out!

Back to work…lunch is over…..

2 thoughts on “

  1. you are so motivational!! I think everyone should have goals. You have some good one’s that are fairly realistic too. That is always helpful. Seems most people get frustrated and give up because they set their expectations TOO high.

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