Book Group was a great time as always. I left Prior Lake where we were meeting around 10:00 and made it home at about 10:45. I called hubby to let him know i was on my way home. What a night he had with Tommy. When he got him home from daycare, Tommy started vomitting again. He gave him supper and the vomitting continued throughout the night. Poor hubby, he has thw worse time cleaning that up. But he did of course, What a great guy.

So of course Tommy could not go to daycare today. I have to stay home iwth him, but I think he is fine. I am beginning to think that the vomitting is a food allergy. We will see….he had peanut butter right before leaving daycare.

I have a number of things to get done today.

Wash bedding
Remake Bed

Clear off Dining Room table
Sweep Kitchen
Wash Dishes


One thought on “

  1. Poor Tommy!!! If he’s not running a fever and gets over this quite quickly, you might want to think about getting him allergy tested. We do 36 different allergy tests on a blood sample….which I know might be hard from such a little guy!

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