Tommy slept pretty good last night. He woke up once at about 11:30 but went right back to sleep and slept until 7:15. Whew…that works for me! I hope tonight he slepts just as well.

Hubby had to run to US Bank and take his application in. The interview went well yesterday and hopefully he will have a second interview. Things are looking up for us finally. Our Savings had been dwindling so this really helps out a lot as will the refinancing of the house.

Today is a busy day. I will be working a bit later, which is ok since I need some extra hours since I only worked a partial day yesterday. I have a 5:00 home visit tonight.

I have manage to switch laundry around already this morning and folded one load. Chicken is thawing for supper. Man do we eat a lot of boneless chicken breasts!

Complete refinance application over the phone
Wrap Emma’s present to mail
Change Sheets
Sweep & Mop
Vacuum & Dust
Mirrors and Doors

One thought on “

  1. I don’t know how you get it all done AND work! I don’t get half what you do done and I only work 2 days a week. And I sure do know what you mean about getting caught up with laundry. I rarely do. I’m usually finishing the ironing for one week when it’s time to do the wash the next!

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