Last night I decided to forget about doing any chores! I put Tommy to bed at 8:00 and went to bed myself. It was a good thing I did, I was up at 4:00am. Tommy had thrown up in his crib. So I clean him up and put him in bed with daddy. And you guess it…I got the crib changed and he threw up in my bed. ARGH…this one required a bath. So I bathed Tommy and sat on bed with im a gain. ANd yes, he threw up again. I guess I will be staying home today with him. We have our trusty bucket with us and he is keeping down some soda, anything else he gets sick.

So good thing I got a lot of sleep as I have alot of laundry to do today! Plus Tommy jsut wants to be held. My poor baby.

TO DO – Wednesday:
Put Tommy’s Laundry Away
Change my sheets
Laundry…Laundry (of Course)

BTW the changing sheets got done very early this morning…thanks Tommy.

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