The logistics of life has thrown me for a curve again.   Hubby has a job  now and it is taking a bit for us to adjust to this.  Yesterday was his first day.   I got home at 5:10 or so and he wasn’t home yet.   So I figured I better head over to daycare and pick up Tommy.   I passed hubby when I was leaving there.   So if he picks up Tommy he won’t be able to be there until 5:30.  Daycare closes at 5:30, so we will be cutting it close.  My work schedule varies so some nights I work well past 5:30.   So this is an adjsutment. 

Then I get home with no idea of what we are having for supper.  I was used to my hubby having supper ready when I got home.  OOPSSS….didn’t think of that.  Ok…something quick, Jen…..ok..Fried Egg Sandwiches,…ARGH…no bread except for some frozen bread!    I have Josh watch Tommy so I can run to the store for bread.  I get to the store….forgot my purse!  What a day!!   Back home to get my purse and to the store again.   I manage to get home and make supper for the family.  wHEW!!!  We are finishing up eating at about 6:30.  This is late for us, but looks like it is our new schedule.  I take Tommy outside to play until about 7:30 or so.  Then it is bath and get him to bed.  

now my evening starts….I have to get stuff done.  I needed to update the calendar.  I needed to figure out what days Erik will be at Daycare with Tommy in June.  Oh..yeah…hubby isn’t home in the day to do laundry!  I should go to the laundry room and see how much there is!  OH MY!!!  I can’t open the door (our laundry chute lands behind the door).   So I do two loads of laundry.  Then I drop dead in bed.  WHEW WHAT A NIGHT!!!!

Hubby got a new cell phone yesterday and had to figure out how to program it, but gave up as he was too tired.  Did I tell you all about our cell phone car problems….GRRRRR.   ONe weekend we came out to our cars and the stuff was all pulled out of the glove boxes and the Paul’s cell phone was missing.  Now, we thought that one of the kids might have done this so we didn’t get too upset about it.   Over Memorial weekend it happned again!!  We are leaving to go to a meeting and hubby askes if I had been in his glove box.  NO……and he can’t find his van keys.  He thinks he left them in the van and now they have been stolen.  ARGH!!  So we have to change the locks on the house due to a house key having been on that key ring.   Now we hope and pray we don’t get up one morning and the van is missing.  My car had been rifled through again tooo….  What a pain.   But with hubby working now and us needing to communicate about pick up of children, etc.  We had to get another phone for hubby. 

So looks like it is getting more important for me to follow my routines.  I need to get back to doing a load of laundry before work and at least one after work.  I need to plan out my meals too, back to menus!!!  PLanning is the key and I had backed off a lot on that and let hubby figure it out since he was home.   well he isn’t home now so I have a ton to do.  We will see how helpful my hubby ends up being in the evening.  If last night was any indictation, I am in trouble.  

Erik moves in on Friday!  So that will increase what I need to do in the evening too.  That means an extra bath to remind someone of and make sure it is done.  That means another child to get up and ready for daycare.  It also means one hour of tutoring each evening!  I decided for my own sanity, Erik will be tutored only four days of the week.  Friday needs to be a free night for all of us.  

WHEW!!  This is an adjustment.  My hubby response to this was your don’t have to do so much, no one will die.  ARGH….yes, tell a perfectionist that things can be left undone.  That does not work, offer to help would have been a better idea.  Oh well…we will see how this plays out.

I have to start thinking about getting the tutoring things together.  I usually have some gimmick to encourage the children.  I decided we are going to have a contest this year.  I will make a chart and we will see who will be the first to read 1000 pages this summer.  Or maybe less than that…who knows!  Everyone can read a book at their level and put the pages on their chart.  The first one to 1000 pages will win the $20.00 bill that will be posted on the chart!  I think I can get Erik and Josh to buy into that and of course I get to compete as well.  Of course we will have to have the store and earn money each day for cooperation as Erik always asks for that!  So he can earn a pop and a small bag of doritos or a chocolate bar!   I need to get that all set up over the weekend.  We won’t be tutoring the first week of summer vacation, but will start the following week. 

Have a great week!  I need to get back to following my routines and doing what I need to!!  FLYLADY…I”m back on the wagon!

0 thoughts on “

  1. I think the first few months of a new job is always the more stressful.  Maybe dh will be able to help more once he is thoroughly settled into the new job.  And if anyone can become organized again, it’s you!

  2. I’m exhausted just reading about your day!  I honestly don’t know how families do it when both parents work!  I know I could never do it. Lots of stuff remains “undone” and I only work 2 days out of the week. That’s because I’m totally disorganized and don’t like to do the stuff I should do!  Then again, as your husband said, nobody has died yet, so I guess we’re okay! Try to hang in there!

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