Well it is 9:15 in wonderful Twin Cities, MN. I have actually had a fairly productive day and even managed a map.

This morning we decided against going to church since Tommy was up most of the night and crying. So in the morning I made the two reicpes I wanted to try for my lunches. I have them all in the freezer and should have enough for the next two to three weeks. YEAH!!

In the afternoon I read the paper, and took a bit of a nap. After my nap I started painting the downstairs bathroom. I have two coats on primer all done on the walls in there. Now if we could agree upon a color I could buy paint tomorrow and paint the walls. I should have the bathroom done by next weekend. Erik moves in next Friday and I would rather have major projects done before he gets here. He has a tendence to get into things.

Well I think it is time to call it a night. I will shower after Josh is done and head to bed to read for a while. I am reading Empress of One by Faith Sullivan and am enjoying it. I hope to read Cape Ann too before the end of the month.

Have a great week!

0 thoughts on “

  1. What a gorgeous site you have!!!! Thanks for visiting mine too! Your sons are all very handsome! I have a son going on a Mission Trip this summer and doing lots of fundraisers too.  I think it will be a giant eye-opener for him!

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