I’m Back!   I had a very nice trip to Duluth, MN.  I spent the evening in my hotel room reading.  I actually finished the Sweet Potato Queens Big Ass Cookbook while I was there.  It was so nice and quiet, my collegues all went out so I would have the place to myself.  I really needed that, time to reflect and replenish my energies.  On the return trip from Duluth, I started feeling ill.  Argh!!  I eneded up staying home sick on Wednesday, but was back at work on Thursday.   I haven’t been around xanga much, jsut spending some time with my family since my return, etc. 

Now it is Easter weekend, which is a busy time as well.  Tonight we will attend Good Friday service.  I didn’t make it to service last night though, I didn’t feel up to it really.   Tonight the boys and I will watch the Most Talented kids as we enjoy that show.  Tommy dances and dances throughout the show.  Josh will watch it with us too. 

Last night Josh and I made a Chocolate Sheet cake.  We all jsut hung out for the evening as we didn’t have Musikgarten last night. 

Saturday morning we are taking Tommy to the Easter Egg Hunt at church.  The rest of the day should be pretty quiet.  Sunday afternoon we are having family over for Easter meal.  I am trying three new recipes for Taste of Home.  If we like them I will share them here.  Well I think that is it…..I need to get busy at work as I want to leave early to make it to church.  Talk to you later.

TO DO:  

  • Make Grocery List

  • Pick up Grocery

    I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashion. – Lillian Hellman

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