What a lousy night of sleep.  ARGH!!  I had a nightmare at about midnight and hubby sneezed off and on the rest of the night.  So I am sure dragging this morning.  I think I will only go in to work for a bit and finish up a couple of things then come home and take a nap!   Tommy is still sleeping, I hate to wake him just for daycare.  I think I will have hubby take him to daycare a bit later.  He’s a tired little boy.

Sunday was pretty lazy around here.  After Church we went to visit my New Mommy I am working with at church.  She had a beautiful little girl.  Natalie Jean.  We bought her a couple of gift and three frozen meals.  After that we came home and Tommy and I went to our neighbors to take their mail to them.  They just returned from there house in Florida.  Tommy was running all over their house.  He was hugging them, it was funny.  They brought him a Winnie the Pooh ball back, he was liking that.  Harvey was letting him throw it in their house, I was sure he was going to break a knick knack.  After all our visiting we took the van to Sam’s to get new tires on the front, since one was leaking daily and needing to be filled.  now the van is all ready for my trip to Red Wing on Friday and Duluth on Monday.  Busy week……

Sunday afternoon hubby and I watched the movie Unfaithful while Tommy took his nap.  The rest of the evening was pretty mellow. I went to bed early and watched Katie Couric’s interview with the Central Park Jogger.  

Well hubby just got Tommy up for the day so I better get ready for work.  I have a few things I have to complete this morning then I can come home.   I have about 6 hours of comp-time to use. 

Today is cleaning the house day…woo WEE!!   And finish the tings from the weekend I didn’t get done…Later!


  • One load Laundry
  • Change Sheets – Ours & Tom’s
  • Dust Living Room
  • Sweep – Kitchen, Baths and Entryway
  • Mop – Kitchen and Bath
  • Vacuum Living Room and Hall
  • Mirrors & Doors
  • Hair Cut
  • Go through Easter Stuff
  • Post Auctions on E-Bay
  • Make Menus
  • 0 thoughts on “

    1. The time change always throws me off schedule lol I know it is more mind over matter with me but still lol You’d think after all these years I’d be used to it Have a great week! How are you feeling?

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