Tuesday evening…I accomplished nothing.   I didn’t feel well after supper so I rested on the couch until about 9:00 than I went to bed.  Exciting, eh!   My heart seemed to be beating a bit fast again, about 104 when resting.  Argh…this is so fun, NOT!!!  Hopefully the Dr calls today and tells me what the plan is. 

I am going to work this morning.  I have been trying to get all caught up on paperwork there.  I have not scheduled a single appointment with cleints this week.   I can finally sit at my desk and see the bottom.  I still have a pile of stuff to do, but I am making progress.   I need to be all caught up as it seems some of us will be pulled to work in Child Protection as they are down 10 social workers and we are on a hiring freeze.  I have never done child protection and have no desire what so ever to do it….but seems I might have no choice as there are not 10 social workers below me in seniority.  I am really good at what I do right now…I dont’ want to learn the laws  for child protection and I don’t want to remove kids or be in court that much.  ARGH!!!   Our section manager will be back from vaction soon and he will make the decisions. 


Frejaluna – no I have not been having any leg cramps.  I did get them when I was pregnant due to calcium problems…but none now.  Thanks for your concern and your frequent visits to my site. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. I’m glad that you’re not having leg cramps.   I hope that you get to feeling better soon, though, and I also hope that you can stay put at work. *fingers crossed* for ya …

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